
Thursday, January 29, 2015


In social studies, we are studying about timelines and our community. We started off this unit by discussing what a timeline actually was. After looking at other people's creations, we created a timeline in class depicting the past, present, and future. The class did a wonderful job! See what you think.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Note from the Teacher

I will not be in class on January 23rd. I have a conference to attend, but Ms. Pam will be our substitute. So when your kiddo comes home without a color on their behavior chart or homework not removed, it is because I was not there. Our class has known since the beginning of the month, and are excited. I just wanted to make all of you aware.  

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Finger Math

In math, we are learning about the joys and wonders of addition and subtraction. I know that everyone says don't count or add with your fingers, but no one ever said you can't use your construction paper hands! I found this neat idea and decided to try using some addition problems with it. The kids had a blast, and breezed right through the math paper. I am very proud of how well our class is doing!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Christmas Activities

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year! We have had a great time this week. Here are a few pictures of all the activities we have done.