
Monday, December 4, 2017


These are from our rock and soil project. The kids had to pour their soil into the colander and sort through what was left in it. 
They found clay pieces, tiny rocks, grass, and much more. It was messy and fun.

We examined the rocks sorting them by size, shape, and color. 
This is our Halloween Book Character project. They did an amazing job. 
Our turkey project was so colorful. I enjoyed looking at all their unique feathers.

Of course, a picture wouldn't be complete without Ms. Shyger in it!


December is already here. I can't believe it. We have so much going on this month. It is important that your child come to school, so that he or she can participate. Below is a list of the items we have going on this month. Please check out our calendar above for finalized times. If you would like to contribute to our Christmas party, please return the note sent home on Friday. I will be sending home permission slips tomorrow regarding the caroling and breakfast trips.

December 4th - 15th: Canned Food Drive (Winner gets a pizza party!)
December 4th: I'm absent today. 
December 12th: Caroling at the nursing homes & Christmas program in the evening
December 13th: Breakfast with Rudolph
December 14th: Christmas Dinner
December 19th: Christmas party 
December 20th: Early Release 

Saturday, November 4, 2017


The month of October just flew by. I can't believe how fast this year is going. Soon it will be Thanksgiving break, Christmas, and then a brand new year. It is incredible how much your child has grown since the beginning of the year. I'm very proud of our progress.

The spelling test went very well on Friday. There were a few misspellings and switching of letters, but overall everyone did fantastically.

I have not received a breakfast or lunch menu as of yet. I will ask Ms. Shyger if she has received a new monthly calendar asap.

The Halloween party went very well. The kiddos had a great time. We had a ton of sweets. We had so much that we actually carried our Halloween festivities into this week. A big thank you to everyone that helped make our party so wonderful.

Friday, October 20, 2017

The Butterfly Garden

Our kids worked so hard in the butterfly garden at the beginning of October. They worked with the high school kids to create seed balls for planting around the lake. They also weeded the garden, planted small plants, and spread soil. The kindergarten classes have done a fantastic job. We are currently working on our vegetable garden. Our class has been stacking boxes, moving soil, cleaning out grass, and much more. 

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Monthly Reminders

There are several events happening this month in our class. A list of dates are below. 

October 9th: Science experiment 
October 10th: Fall picture day 
October 12th: Our class TPRI testing day 
October 13th: Choice Dental presentation
October 16th - 17th: Fall break (no school)
October 19th: Report cards 

October 23rd - 27th: Red Ribbon Week 
I will send home dress up information for each day when it becomes available. 

October 27th: Our classroom's Halloween/Fall festivities 

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Grandparents' Day

Image result for melonheadz grandparents
We will have our Grandparents' Day breakfast on Thursday, September 7th. Hope to see you all there! Please sign and return your child's permission slip for VFW fingerprinting. If you need a new form, just send me a note and I'll get one to you. Thanks!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

First Week

Image result for melonheadz clipart
Yay! We survived our first full week. I am excited to say that we had a great first week. Thank you for all of your support. I appreciate it so much. Please begin to practice sight words with your child. The first five sight words is where we will start next week. We will begin to learn five at a time. Learning sight words allows your child to build their reading fluency. We will practice in the classroom, but continue practicing at home. The more exposure to the words is better for your child.

Thank you again!! See you all Monday!!

Monday, May 15, 2017



Graduation is Thursday at 9 a.m. at the Junior High auditorium.  You can check your child out afterwards. Please return the gown before you leave with your child. I will have your child's official diploma. You will receive it when you sign your child out.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Missing Newsletter

I am sorry that I didn't send out a newsletter last week. We were so busy due to the book fair and concert that I was unable to get one out to you. Report cards were sent home Friday. If you have questions, please let me know. I would be happy to discuss the results with you.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Upcoming Events

Image result for melonheadz spring break
I hope everyone had a happy and fantastic spring break! We have several events that are occurring this week. Tomorrow, we will be going to the Stephen Fite concert in Gilmer. We will go to the concert and come back to campus for lunch. Afterwards, our class will be having a fun day. I think a movie and popcorn are a must have for tomorrow. On Thursday, students that bring money will be attending the book fair. On Friday, report cards will be sent home. This week is super busy, but all these events are so much fun.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Sight Word Testing

Image result for sight words melonheadzI started to test the students on their sight words today. I tested them on all three lists. I will send home a list of the words missed next Tuesday, so that you can work with your child on them. I will retest right before report cards go out. This allows each kiddo plenty of time to practice.

Sunday, February 19, 2017


Image result for melonheadz animals
Image result for melonheadz animalsThe kids are loving our new science unit on plants and animals. We have been really focusing on animals this past week. The kids enjoy taking a virtual trip of the San Diego Zoo. The zoo offers some amazing videos depicting their plants and animals featured and the numerous conservation efforts that they are implementing. We love watching the live animal cams. I think the elephants or the tigers are their favorites. I can't be sure, because our class loves to watch them all. We talk about the animals' body coverings, coloring, appetite, and habitat. Below are links to the websites.      

Thursday, January 26, 2017

GT Testing and TPRI Results

Image result for melonheadz testI will be sending home our middle of the year TPRI results as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the results, please let me know. You can call me at 903-665-2461 Opt. 4 or email me at Feel free to send me a note in your child's binder as well.

All students that have been nominated for the GT program will begin testing very soon. Ms. Scott, our counselor, will conduct the testing and score the results.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Image result for sick melonheadz

There is a virus going around and several cases of the sniffles here at JPS. I know because I unfortunately caught the sniffles/sore throat bug. We always cough into our elbows, wash our hands consistently, and disinfect the tables. However, sometimes it is just not enough. If your kiddo isn't feeling well and you decide to keep him/her home, please let me know. You can call the school or shoot me an email. My email address is Thank you for all that you do!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Welcome Back!

We had a great day back at school. The kids were tired, but excited to share their Christmas stories. Thank you to all the parents that helped during the Christmas party. I was so sad to have missed it. I hate that I did. Thank you for all of the pictures, gifts, and love sent my way. I appreciate all that you do for your child and our class.