
Sunday, September 29, 2019

Callie’ Acres Field Trip

We will be going to Callie’s Acres tomorrow, October 1st.  We will be leaving promptly at 8:15 a.m. Please make sure your child is here early, so that he or she has plenty of time to eat breakfast. Be sure your child wears shorts and tennis shoes. Please feel free to join us! The cost will be $10 for adults. You can follow the bus or meet us there. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reading Academy Video

Thank you for sending back your child’s video release form. I was selected this summer to attend a Reading Academy at Region 8. We are collaborating with each other to learn different strategies and techniques to teach reading. I picked a goal for our class to work on. I chose identifying letters and producing their sounds due to these items really only being covered in Kindergarten. I was asked to make two videos for the Academy. One in the fall and one in the spring. The videos are short 5-10 minute videos showing how I work with my students on letters and sounds. We can show our class doing games, flash cards, or activities that show them engaged in learning. We already do all these things, except we don’t videotape. I hope no one gets camera shy!! The video will only be viewed by Mrs. Rhonda Reed, my instructor, and myself. They will not be published on the internet or social media for others to view. Once again, thank you for sending your child’s form back. I know it came out of the blue, but thank you for your support. 

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Workin’ Out Our Wiggles

This week we were all super wiggly! What better way to work them out than a Go Noodle dance!! We learned several different ways to say “hello”  and had a great time too!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Weekly Update

Don’t forget... tomorrow is Grandparents’ Day Breakfast. Come join us from 7:15 to 8:00 for a delicious breakfast! We can’t wait to see you!

Friday is Jungle/Safari day. Your child can help support the Bulldogs by dressing in their coolest animal print or jungle/safari outfit.  The cheerleaders will be selling ribbons and tattoos Friday morning. If you would like your child to purchase a ribbon or tattoo, it will be a $1 each.

Today, Ms. Marney from EcoVerdant came to talk with our class. She brought some really cool kid-friendly binoculars that we used to go on a nature walk. She talked to our class about how to use binoculars, safety, and nature. She was amazing!! Below are some pictures from our adventure.


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Rock n’ Roll Dress Up

Don’t forget tomorrow’s pep rally theme is Rock n’ Roll. Your child can help us celebrate by wearing his or her best rockstar outfit!!